Edge Types - Topology and Structure of Directed Graphs

Topology and Structure of Directed Graphs
from jumble to order
Pommes Frites aus Die Kunst, aufzuräumen von Ursus Wehrli
Topology and Structure of Directed Graphs
Pommes Frites aus Die Kunst, aufzuräumen von Ursus Wehrli
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Edge Types

Chapters > Algorithm
The ever first step of the algorithm is to classify the incoming edge. There are only four types of edges;
If the tail of an edge is connected to the head of it. The algorithm ignores the edge.
If the tail, the head, or both are unknown nodes. They are processed as required.
If the tail of the edge is not connected to the head of it. The algorithm processes the edge, after making the necessary adjustments to the graph's representation if it is redundant.
If the head of an edge is connected to its tail. The head node H is literally substituted with node @H, which is its proxy. Thereafter, the processing resumes the classification process with the replaced node.
Because the topology of the graph is known to the algorithm at any time, the connectedness of any two nodes can be decided in constant, or nearly constant time.
The edge types does not depend on the representation of the graph being node-oriented or edge-oriented.
Topology and Structure of Directed Graphs
Copyright © 2024 by Ihsan Enis Olgac, Böblingen. All rights reserved
Wehrli, Ursus: Die Kunst, aufzuräumen
Copyright © 2011 by Kein & Aber AG Zürich – Berlin
Pommes Frites aus Die Kunst, aufzuräumen von Ursus Wehrli
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