Graphs - Topology and Structure of Directed Graphs

Topology and Structure of Directed Graphs
from jumble to order
Pommes Frites aus Die Kunst, aufzuräumen von Ursus Wehrli
Topology and Structure of Directed Graphs
Pommes Frites aus Die Kunst, aufzuräumen von Ursus Wehrli
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Chapters > Graphs
Graphs are similar to trees, except that its nodes have at least one predecessor. If the nodes of a graph comply with the following conditions, the graph is said to have a graph structure, or it is a graph:
  • A distinguished node Source precedes all nodes, which does not have a predecessor
  • A distinguished node Sink succeeds all nodes which does not have a successor
  • Exactly one node has no predecessor (the Source)
  • Exactly one node has no successor (the Sink)
  • All other nodes have at least one predecessor, and at least one successor
Nodes Source and Sink are not shown.
Nodes which have more than one predecessor are targets of more than one path, like the paths [Joan, Bob] and [Joan, Neil, Bob] in this example.
There are two alternatives how we can represent a graph:
  • Node-oriented (all examples we have seen so far)
  • Edge-oriented
If a graph is represented as edge-oriented, its edges are used as nodes, and the nodes as edges. In this form of representation, tails and heads of edges are also edges. Our example would then have:
  • (Joan,Bob), (Joan,Neil), (Neil,Bob) and (Bob,Melanie) as its nodes
  • ((Joan,Bob),(Bob,Melanie)), ((Joan,Neil),(Neil,Bob)), and ((Neil,Bob),(Bob,Melanie)) as its edges
We will discuss the expressive power of edge-oriented graphs in the next chapter.

Topology and Structure of Directed Graphs
Copyright © 2024 by Ihsan Enis Olgac, Böblingen. All rights reserved
Wehrli, Ursus: Die Kunst, aufzuräumen
Copyright © 2011 by Kein & Aber AG Zürich – Berlin
Pommes Frites aus Die Kunst, aufzuräumen von Ursus Wehrli
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