Transitivity and Paths - Topology and Structure of Directed Graphs

Topology and Structure of Directed Graphs
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Pommes Frites aus Die Kunst, aufzuräumen von Ursus Wehrli
Topology and Structure of Directed Graphs
Pommes Frites aus Die Kunst, aufzuräumen von Ursus Wehrli
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Transitivity and Paths

Chapters > Graphs
Now our graph contains two edges, (Joan,Bob) and (Bob,Melanie). Do we have sufficient information to complete our task? The answer is: "Yes".
To obtain a solution, we apply the rule of transitivity
Given two edges (a, b) and (b,c), the transitivity rule implies that (a,c) is also an edge
and deduce that (Joan,Melanie) is also an edge because (Joan,Bob), and (Bob,Melanie) are edges, meaning Joan is older than Melanie, or Melanie is younger than Joan (edges are bidirectional). We add the edge (Joan,Melanie) to the graph. Task accomplished.
In general, transitivity is a recipe to apply deduction on chains (paths) of edges. To build a path
  • Start with an edge
  • If the tail of the next edge is the same as the head of the last edge on the path, add the edge to  the end of the path
  • Proceed with the next edge, until all edges of the graph are exhausted
Starting with the node (Joan,Bob) and applying this procedure to our graph, we obtain the path [(Joan,Bob), (Bob,Melanie)], or [Joan, Bob, Melanie] in short.
Due to transitivity, all nodes on a path are related to each other, even if they are not adjacent. Because Joan and Melanie are on the path, we can decide that they are related (connected), and creating an edge (Joan,Melanie) is legitimate.
Topology and Structure of Directed Graphs
Copyright © 2024 by Ihsan Enis Olgac, Böblingen. All rights reserved
Wehrli, Ursus: Die Kunst, aufzuräumen
Copyright © 2011 by Kein & Aber AG Zürich – Berlin
Pommes Frites aus Die Kunst, aufzuräumen von Ursus Wehrli
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